
Feedback from stakeholders helps organizations increase their efficiency and effectiveness. A secure and confidential reporting system enables stakeholders to easily give their suggestions to the management on any practice, procedure or product and report any behaviour which is violative of the organizations code of conduct or is otherwise unfair, illegal or unethical. Likewise many a fraud can be averted and reputations protected, if timely information is received and acted upon.

The whistleblower page will help complainant to raise complaint and not only acts as an effective internal control and early warning system to detect and check malpractices but also helps us to create a non-threatening environment in which anyone who perceives any activity detrimental to its interests feels free to report it.

It helps stakeholders interact with the designated authority of their organization in a simple and secure manner while maintaining complete confidentiality.

In order to lodge complaint, please go to “Lodge Complaint option” .

* denotes required content

** Kindly refer the Whistle Blower Policy
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